TMA’s Small and Mid-size Manufacturers’ Caucus with over 50 bipartisan legislators enters third year
TMA’s Small and Mid-size Manufacturers’ Caucus with over 50 bipartisan legislators enters third year
TMA’s Small and Mid-size Manufacturers’ Caucus with over 50 bipartisan legislators enters third year
VILLA PARK – Making things in Illinois was the weekly videocast “Smoke Filled Room” topic, featuring two owners of small manufacturing companies in the Chicago area, a state lawmaker, and a couple of political insiders.
SCHAUMBURG – Last week, nineteen students from Seoul, South Korea visited the Technology & Manufacturing Association’s training facilities in Schaumburg to learn more about the career options manufacturing offers.
As we enter an impactful election season, it is vital that we educate our teams about the issues and races that will significantly impact your company and your employees.
Fifty-two years ago, President Nixon went to China. The news
of his visit was shocking. The Washington Post wrote, “If Mr.
Nixon had revealed he was going to the moon, he could not
have flabbergasted his world audience more.”
With the start of a new year, Illinois employers face some new state laws.
With the January 1, 2024, effective date of the Illinois Paid Leave for All Workers Act (IPLAWA) quickly approaching, employers need to ensure they are analyzing their existing paid leave policies to determine what changes need to be made before the end of 2023.
“Manufacturing is still the one industry in the US that can take you from humble beginnings into the upper middle class in one generation. I’m living proof of that.”
The Technology & Manufacturing Association’s Advocacy Team organized a meeting in November for State Senator Julie Morrison to visit Keats Manufacturing in Wheeling, Illinois.
LINCOLNSHIRE – Leonard L. Larsen, 83, of Larsen Manufacturing, was born November 2, 1940 in Chicago and passed away November 11, 2023. Raised in Lincolnwood,