TMA’s 2024-2025 Board of Directors kicks off new year

SCHAUMBURG – The Technology & Manufacturing Association initiated the 2024-2025 TMA Board of Directors at the group’s 98th Annual Meeting held March 9th at the Mazak Corporation’s Schaumburg Headquarters.

During TMA’s annual proceedings, retiring directors Tom Simeone (Manor Tool & Manufacturing), Mike Walter (DEMGY Chicago, LLC) and Joe Bettinardi (Donson Machine) were acknowledged for their three years of service and George Gatto Jr (Gatto  Industrial Platers, INC) Tom Schroeder (PBC Linear) and Larry Spelman (J.H. Botts) were welcomed onto the 2024-2025 TMA Board.

The 2024-2025 TMA Board is now led by Craig Zoberis (Fusion OEM) with Robert Clifford – Vice-Chairman (ACME Industrial), Patrick Osborne – Secretary & President (TMA), Shiv Sivakumar – Treasurer (AJ Manufacturing) , Matt Eggemeyer (Keats Manufacturing), Lynn Dreisilker (Dreisilker Electric Motors) , David Karbin (Lexco Cable), Mike Magliano (Cushman & Wakefield), Althea Mottl (Atlas Tool Works), Deb Sommers (Lakeview Precision), Immediate Past TMA Board Chairman Nicole Wolter (HM Manufacturing), George Gatto Jr (Gatto  Industrial Platers, INC), Tom Schroeder (PBC Linear), and Larry Spelman (J.H. Botts).

During the meeting, TMA Board of Directors’ 2023-2024 Treasurer Bob Clifford gave a glowing report on TMA’s financials and its projected positive financial future.

TMA’s 2023-2024 Board Chairman Nicole Wolter shared a few words before TMA President Patrick Osborne swore in the new TMA board chairman, Craig Zoberis, President of Fusion OEM.  

“I’d like to take a moment to express my sincere gratitude for the honor bestowed upon me by you and my fellow board members to serve this organization as its Chairman for the last 12 months. I hope my time will be remembered as one of forward thinking and positive change,” Chairman Wolter said.

“As you know, we’ll be celebrating TMA’s 100th Anniversary next year. The actions we took in 2023 and the ones we’ll make in the coming year will, I hope, help ensure TMA has another 100 years effectively serving our industry.”

TMA’s new board chairman Craig Zoberis said his administration intends to “be a champion for the entrepreneurial spirit that lies at the heart of each TMA member.”

“Our industry represents the entrepreneurial spirit that makes this country great,” Zoberis told TMA members at the Annual Meeting. “It represents the mindset that embraces innovation, risk-taking, adaptability, and the relentless pursuit of growth. The outlook that sees opportunities where others see obstacles, that pushes boundaries and isn’t afraid to fail.

“The spirit that drives us to challenge the status quo, create value, and transform ideas into reality,” he said. “These values and this spirit resonate in TMA and drives our vision for the future.”

This will be an exciting year in so many ways, said TMA President Patrick Osborne. “A number of new projects were announced today – all leading up to an exciting 100th Anniversary Celebration in 2025.

“TMA’s future is bright and hopeful – as is the US manufacturing industry.”

More about the Technology & Manufacturing Association at 
