Looking for a high demand career? Hear from tooling engineer Michael

“Components that you make, the items you manufacture, they’re out there in the world. On a day to day, you see these things in the cars, on the streets, in appliances. You feel a little pride. It’s kind of a benefit to yourself when you see these things and think, ‘Hey, I made a piece of that, or there’s a piece of me inside this car or this toaster,'” says Michael, a Chicago area tooling engineer.

Over the years, the company Michael works for provided training to advance his skills – and his chosen career is never-ending learning, he says.

In a new TMA video, Michael reviews tooling engineer’s challenges and benefits.

“There’s a shortage of workers in manufacturing – we’re looking for the next generation of workers. We need more people,” he says.

Tooling engineer work is in high demand – and companies offer education, training, apprenticeship programs.

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