District 214 attributes TMA with student interest in advanced manufacturing skills

“TMA is truly changing lives for the better by showing our students advanced manufacturing. This has opened up possibilities for our students that may not have been known in the past. When you visit District 214 schools and see what our classrooms have to offer, it is in large part due to the generosity of TMA.”

Who doesn’t love to hear words like that? Changing lives for the better? Opening up possibilities? All due in large part to the Technology & Manufacturing Association?

That’s exactly what Dan Ludwigsen, Hersey High School’s career and technical education division head, said in a story on Chicago’s suburban Daily Herald website this week.

“Without TMA’s support — both their expertise and generous donations of equipment — our District 214 programs would not be as successful,” Ludwigsen said.

Over the past two decades, TMA’s charitable arm – the Technology & Manufacturing Association’s Education Foundation – has given District 214 schools more than $120,000. Those funds have been used for high school manufacturing training programs as one approach to address the shortage of skilled workers in the industry.

The rest of the story is HERE.
