Wish former TMA Board Chairman Marv Wortell a Happy 100th!

Marv Wortell, founder of Triton Industries, served as TMA’s Board Chairman in 1979. This month he will turn 100 years old – just another of the many accomplishments he’s gathered since 1918.

He’s lived through the Roaring 20s, the Great Depression, World War II, Korean & Vietnam Wars, the prosperous 50s and 90s, and unimaginable changes in America’s manufacturing industry.

At a gathering of past chairmen in 2015, we asked Chairman Wortell about the time he served as TMA’s Board Chairman. Here’s what he had to say:

Wish Marv a happy birthday here on TMA News Comments, or contact dlacomb@tmaillinois.org for an address to send a card to Marv directly.

After all, how often does a person get to celebrate his 100th Birthday?
