State Rep Breen Recognized For Excellent Pro-Manufacturing Voting Record

LOMBARD – For the second time in a week, State Representative Peter Breen’s voting record has earned him a perfect rating by watchdog groups who follow legislation in Springfield and rank lawmakers according to their efforts to protect taxpayers and improve the Illinois economy.
On the heels of being named a “Taxpayer Friend” for earning a 100% score on the Illinois Tax Survey compiled by Taxpayers United of America, Breen was recognized on December 1 by the Illinois Technology and Manufacturing Association (TMA) for earning a 100% score for his support of manufacturing in Illinois.
Breen was one of only 18 Illinois lawmakers to receive at 100% score with TMA.

“A thriving manufacturing industry is critical to improving the Illinois economy,” said Breen. “It’s an honor to be recognized for my work to help these job creators, by improving our manufacturing climate and reducing burdens placed on them.”

TMA President Steven Rauschenberger applauded Breen for being a champion for the manufacturing industry, and said, “Peter Breen continues to be a legislative leader who understands the importance of quality, high paying jobs in Illinois. His consistent voting record helps protect jobs in Illinois from unnecessary regulatory interference.”

TMA’s 2017 Scorecard is available for review HERE. 
