Rockford focuses on developing manufacturing workforce

ROCKFORD – Rockford Illinois manufacturers and how they’re working to develop the area workforce are featured in the current 

Despite a more positive outlook from manufacturers as a whole, many factories are still struggling to find workers with the right qualifications. This is especially difficult for manufacturers located away from major urban centers, which tend to soak up the majority of available talent in the area. Of course, there are exceptions, and given the benefits of building a community around manufacturing, it’s worth finding out what accounts for them.

Rockford, IL is one such case. Located on the banks of the Rock River, it was notable in the 19th and early 20th centuries for its production of tools, heavy machinery and furniture. Like many Rust Belt cities, it struggled in the second half of the 20thcentury, but by the late 1990s it had become a hub for aerospace manufacturing.

Read more HERE.
