Meet TMA Staff: Sandy Sempowicz

Sandy Sempowicz, who started at TMA in 2015, visits with TMA members, welcomes TMA members to events and assists with

Sandy Sempowicz

TMA News Bulletin asked Sandy a few questions:

Q: If you could have only one superpower, what would it be?
A: Mind reading.

Q: What was your favorite TV show when growing up?
A: The Flintstones. Yabba Dabba Doo!

Q: What hidden talent do you have that most people at TMA don’t know you
A: I have a degree in art. I can draw, paint, etc.

Q: When did you accept a dare that you later regretted?
A: I am an Early Childhood Docent at Brookfield Zoo. Another volunteer dared me to take the zoo training to handle/hold the Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches for guest viewing. I did the training. I can and do hold the cockroaches. Don’t regret it. But let’s just say … I’d rather hold the bunny.

Q: What’s your favorite task at TMA?
A: Working with TMA members to solve their problems. Staffing events. Making sure members have a great time.

Contact Sandy at: 847.993.2128 or
