Kansas Fracking Company Applies To Drill In Illinois

The State Journal Register is reporting that a Kansas company has filed Illinois’ first request to drill since fracking was signed into law four years ago.

Woolsey Companies Inc, based in Wichita, Kansas, is seeking permission to drill a mile-deep well near the southeastern Illinois community of Enfield, in White County. A second public comment period on the application is expected after the Illinois Department of Natural Resources found a well-location error in the original filing in May. The application is the first since then-Gov. Pat Quinn signed the state “fracking” law in June 2013.

Regulations were not finalized until November 2014 following an extended fight involving the department, environmentalists and energy companies.

DNR spokesman Tim Schweizer said Monday that Woolsey has indicated the application would be resubmitted with the corrected well location and other project details sought by the agency.

“They are going to resend the application, and that restarts the clock,” said Schweizer. “Other than that, it’s gone pretty smoothly.”

In addition to correcting the location, the department has asked for more information on the operations plan, management of fracking chemicals, well safety and containment measures, traffic management at the site, restoration and topsoil preservation and project security bonds.

More on the story here.
