Five things manufacturers can do to embrace digitization

In a Forbes story published Wednesday, author Lisa Caldwell writes about how manufacturers need to embrace digitization in order to stay up to the fast pace the industry has stepped into.

The good thing is this change doesn’t demand a complete overhaul of in-place systems of sharing information and being fully aware of project progress.

Rather, Caldwel says, the changes are more about introducing new technology-enabled solutions that build on what manufacturers already have in place.

She suggests five things a company can do to embrace digitization:

  1. Get a strategy to move your data into the cloud and start benefiting from the scale and low-cost infrastructure this offers.
  2. Foster a culture of continuous learning and improvement in which all staffers are empowered to experiment with and shape new technology solutions.
  3. Be customer-centric, not cost-driven. Ask, “How can we use new technologies to enhance customer experiences?” This will deliver greater business growth.
  4. Look beyond leveraging data for asset management. Consider how it can be used to enable your people, augmenting their productivity, skills and value.
  5. Harness the power of mobile technologies to make your data and insights constantly accessible to employees to help them make better decisions.

More on the topic: How Digitization is Driving New Business Models for Manufacturers

Image by Jabil
