Decisions on association health plans now move to states after Trump ex order

An executive order signed by President Trump Tuesday will allow business and industry associations to form health coverage groups that would not be subject to the ACA’s Essential Health Benefits.

States will now need to decide whether they will implement the plan and open the way for small business owners and employees, as well as their family members, to have access to more affordable coverage pricing and an enhanced ability to self-insure, supporters say.

TMA News asked Jessica Pierce, President of Technology & Manufacturing Association’s Health Solutions, how this development at the federal level would affect the Health Solutions program. 

“We really don’t know yet how it will affect TMA’s program, if at all,” Pierce said. “While these changes could make a difference, we really won’t know until Illinois gives us guidance on how they plan to regulate these AHPs.”

And that may take a while, she said.

More information will be coming in the days ahead, but there are no changes to report for Illinois manufacturers insured with TMA’s Health Solutions immediately.

TMA’s health care plan for manufacturers

TMA Health Solutions, Inc. is the only insurance agency in Illinois owned by the manufacturing community and that uses its profits to support services for manufacturers. As a full service insurance agency, TMA Health Solutions provides a full range of products and services from leading insurance carriers. Insurance options include:

  • Group Insurance (Life, Dental, Disability, Personal Insurance Products)
  • Voluntary Programs
  • Executive Planning
  • Property and Casualty
  • HR Administration

More on Trump’s executive order for Association Health Plans (AHP)

The National Association of Health Underwriters put out a statement after the order was signed Tuesday, explaining a little more:

Under the final rule, self-employed individuals, sole proprietors and common-law employees would be permitted to join an AHP. These individuals would be treated as an employee of the trade or business for purposes of being covered by the AHP. The proposal includes non-discrimination protections to avoid potential of adverse selection. It would require that the association not restrict membership based on any health factor, as defined in the HIPAA/ACA health nondiscrimination rules. These include health status, medical condition (including both physical and mental illnesses), claims experience, receipt of healthcare, medical history, genetic information, evidence of insurability, and disability.

More to come in the days and weeks ahead …
