Cook Co Property Tax Assessments Topic Of TMA Luncheon Wednesday

SCHAUMBURG – Wednesday, Chicago Tribune/ProPublica Illinois investigative reporter Jason Grotto will visit with Technology & Manufacturing Association members interested in learning more about what he found concerning Cook County property tax assessments.

Last summer, shortly after his series on discrepencies in Cook County property tax assessment hit Chicagoheadlines, Grotto was featured on WGN’s Steve Cochran show.

Grotto was challenged on air by Cook County Assessor Joe Berrios’ spokesman.

Grotto’s background:

Born and raised in Chicago, ProPublica Illinois reporter Jason Grotto specializes in quantitative analysis, using databases, statistics and mapping to ferret out corruption, negligence and bad public policy. Previously, he worked as an investigative reporter for the Chicago Tribune and the Miami Herald. His most recent project exposed widespread inaccuracies and disparities in Cook County’s property tax assessment system and sparked proposed legislative changes, an investigation by the inspector general and a hearing at the County Board. He has also reported on the pension crisis in Chicago and Illinois and led a Gerald Loeb Award-winning investigation on Chicago Public Schools’ disastrous use of auction-rate securities, uncovered fraud in federal poverty programs, problems in Iraq war contracting and flaws in the Chicago Housing Authority’s Plan for Transformation.

Hear the discussion HERE:
