Celebrate the Fourth with “Made in America” festivities

When Baby Boomers were kids, they were continually warned to avoid anything with the “Made in Japan” label.  Of course, things have changed since then – and some of America’s biggest discount stores feature items made outside of the US.

But should the pride in American-made items be stirred again?

Alliance for American Manufacturing writer Elizabeth Brotherton-Bunch says “Yes!”

She points to celebrating American-made projects over the Fourth of July holiday with this list:

  1. Outfit yourself with American-made gear rather than “sweatshop” attire.
  2. Fly American-made flags and hoist American-made decorations.
  3. Cook and serve American-originated barbecue treats.
  4. Fire off American-made fireworks.

Ms. Brotherton-Bunch offers a list of American brands that will boost American manufacturing.

Are we coming almost full circle in order to see the current surge in US manufacturing continue?

What do you think?
