With Chinese plants stabilized after the coronavirus crisis, Sheetoh Waichong, vice president of Laird Performance Material’s Asia operations, is now leading Laird’s coronavirus response in North America and Europe.
Fresh off a six-hour wait in customs after arriving in China from Singapore on Wednesday, he talked with IndustryWeek about what has made Laird’s coronavirus planning work.
Waichong shared nine points with Industry Week how their company recovered quickly following the coronavirus:
1. We came up with a plan and got masks right away
2. We paid employees even if they could not show up for work.
3. We communicated quickly with customers and suppliers.
4. We secured 500 hotel rooms to quarantine employees coming back to the factory from other cities.
5. To prevent infection, we staggered start times and breaks.
6. We disinfect plants twice a day.
7. We take workers’ temperature twice a day.
8. We put up partitions separating workers by at least 1.5 meters each.
9. We consulted with the government.
For more details, see Back in Action During the Coronavirus in Industry Week.